Become a Judge
Getting Started with MO NAWGJ Membership
Prepare: Visit the USA Gymnastics website at Click on the “Women” icon at the top of the page and then click on “Judges” on the left. From this website you can search and register for upcoming tests, print any technical updates, and download many tables/cheat sheets that are useful as a reference during a meet. You will need to register for the Judging Test through the USA Gymnastics site. Other helpful information is available through which is the website for the National Association of Gymnastics’ Judges.
Reach Out: If you are interested in becoming a women’s gymnastics judge and/or receiving more information about judging, email Felicia Ostrom at . She will inform you of upcoming testing dates, how to register for testing, and how to order study guide and testing materials.
Memberships & Certifications: There are quite a few memberships and certifications that must be maintained to judge any sanctioned gymnastics meet. There is a fee for each of these and can take several weeks to obtain. You will not be able to be considered for a meet until these memberships have been obtained. Sanctioned meets are endorsed by USA Gymnastics and must have judges who meet the following guidelines:
✅ USAG Membership
✅ NAWGJ Membership
✅ Background Check*
✅ Safety & Risk Management
✅ Safe Sport Trained
✅ USAG Safe Sport Policy
*Some steps require you to be 18 years old. If you are planning to judge while you are under 18 years old, reach out to Erin or your new judge mentor for more details.
After Testing: After completing the above steps and registering for a test, you will obtain a 4/5 rating upon successful passing of the 4/5 exam. Once you’ve passed, please send an email to Felicia Ostrom with your updated USAG card, your current address, contact information and gym affiliation if any. You will need to update your USAG profile and check that you are now a Women's Judge. Under "My Profile" click "Manage Memberships". Click on your name and you can select "Judge" and "Women". If you are a coach you will also have that selected.
Gym JAS & Getting Assigned to a Meet
You will set up a profile on Gym JAS and select the days you are available to judge. Try to have this filled out by August 1st each year. If you have any questions about how to do this, email Felicia Ostrom at If you take your test after August 1, you’ll want to fill out your availability as soon as possible so the assigners know when you’re available.
Once you’re assigned a meet you’ll need to accept it in Gym JAS. This is a 2 step process. First you must accept the meet, then sign the contract. If you’re having trouble, contact Felicia, or the assigner of the meet. Sometimes, non-sanctioned Meet Directors contact you about non-sanctioned meets. We strongly encourage all NAWGJ judges to contract USA sanctioned gymnastics meets prior to accepting non-sanctioned meets.
Your first meet
Before your first meet you’ll be sent event assignments by the meet referee (head judge for the meet). Review your deductions for your events before the meet and feel free to reach out to the meet referee with any questions.
Meet your mentor
You will be assigned a mentor for your first year of judging. This will be your person to ask any questions you have throughout the season. If you don’t hear from your mentor within a month of passing your test, email Erin McGinley at